About Us
Welcome to our mission-driven community! Inspired by the call of Pope Francis for the Jubilee of Hope in 2025, this online space is dedicated to helping teenagers and young adults embark on a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage this year. Guided by the teachings of the Catholic faith, we believe it is our moral and spiritual duty to pass on the gift of faith to the next generation. Together—parents, teens, and friends—our shared goal is to support this journey, whether by participating in the pilgrimage or by contributing to make it possible. Join us in ensuring that the love of God reaches hearts in today’s modern world.
Faith, Courage, Community
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Our Goal
Supporting youth to strengthen their own faith through transformative experiences is necessary in today's world. Our youth today face challenges that easily influence their identify, faith, and personal existence as mandated by God.
A pilgrimage is a gift that rekindles the essence of our existence: That God created each one of us for a specific purpose, that this purpose is enliven through a specific vocation in our life, a specific plan designed by God so that His light may shine on all those that today are influenced by the darkness that this world offers under the disguise of happiness.
It is our goal that by dedicating our time, talent, and treasure for the purpose of being open to God's design for our young people that we may collaborate in His plan of salvation for every man.
Please fill out our contact form for information on how to help and support our youth.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor 9,7
Youth Testimonials
Hear from those whose faith has been strengthened in previous pilgrimages.
The World Youth Day pilgrimage in Lisbon, 2 years ago, was a sign of God's love for me. I could have never imagined that I would be part of such an amazing event with youth from all over the world. We walk so much and there were moments of precariousness. I experienced that God was with me and that he was taking care of me and of all my friends even those who aren't church goers. I understood that I am called to give my very best to everything I do and to have an understanding heart to those that God puts in my daily life. I am looking forward to this Jubilee year.
Gabriela Cardoza, 11th Grade
Silver Spring, MD
I see this pilgrimage to Rome, on the occasion of the Jubilee of Hope, as an opportunity to strengthen my relationship with God and that of my entire family. Being the youngest of 10 children, I know my parents will do anything for me to participate so that I may have an important encounter with God. Faith has meant a lot for my family especially in the midst of our struggles. My parents' faith inspires me to make my own experience of God, that He really takes care of me, and that no matter what I go through in life I would know deep in my heart that I am a unique child of God which is called to be light for others, and not an obstacle to them and their relationship with God.
Anna Pitsenberger, 10th grade
Bethesda, MD