Carlo Acutis Play
Experience the profound impact of Carlo's life through an inspiring youth-led performance beginning in April 2025.
The anticipated celebration of Carlo Acutis Sainthood
Join us in honoring Carlo Acutis through a powerful play that explores his life, faith, love of the Eucharist, and digital works as we eagerly await his canonization on April 27, 2025.

A Journey of Faith
Inspiring Youth Through Art
Experience the profound themes of love, suffering, and the Eucharist as we reflect on Carlo's extraordinary life and its relevance for ordinary people today.
Carlo Acutis
Who is Carlo Acutis?
Carlo Acutis (1991–2006) was an Italian teenager known for his deep Catholic faith and devotion to the Eucharist. He used his passion for technology to create a website cataloging Eucharistic miracles worldwide. Carlo lived a life of simplicity, kindness, and charity, often helping the poor and defending his peers from bullying. Diagnosed with leukemia at age 15, he offered his suffering for the Church and the Pope. His unwavering faith and virtuous life led to his beatification by Pope Francis in 2020. Carlo Acutis is celebrated as a model for young people, showing how holiness can thrive in the digital age.

A play reflecting Carlo's life, faith, and digital impact.
On April 27, 2025 Carlo Acutis will be canonized. Several youth from the Archdiocese of Washington are preparing a beautiful play about the impact that Carlo's life had on people around him from his childhood until his death on October 12, 2004 as well as the much greater impact on ordinary people as we approach his canonization. The performances will take place beginning in April 2025 in the DC area and beyond. This play promises a profound experience to all as it will reflect on Carlo's closeness to the Eucharist, his personal work in the digital world, themes of suffering and love and the existential meaning of our life.

Carlo Acutis Play
Join us for a captivating performance that explores the life of Carlo Acutis, highlighting his deep faith, love for the Eucharist, and impact on those around him. Experience a journey of inspiration as we approach his canonization in 2025.
Performances details coming soon

Are you interested in having our youth perform this play at your parish, school, or other facility?
Contact us for more information:
Mary Cardoza
Location Details
Join us in the DC area for a transformative play about Carlo Acutis, exploring his life and impact on youth and faith.
Holy Name Catholic Church
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church
Details coming soon
If you would like to have our play in your parish or school, please contact us.
Evenings and weekends
Contact Us for Inquiries
Reach out for more information about our upcoming play on Carlo Acutis and his inspiring life. We welcome your questions!
Would you like this free performance in your parish, school or organization, please contact us for details.